With every day Residential Proxies are becoming more user-friendly, approachable and affordable, certainly if you speak of Proxy-Cheap. But what about utility? What do we most commonly use them for?
Let’s dive deeper into the top 10 use cases that we have statistically analyzed over the period of the past 12 months.
Market Research
Information gathering accompanied by market analysis has become one of the essential elements of a successful business endeavor. Certainly, if you are willing to be part of various markets and economic areas. Luckily focus is not only aimed at becoming a part of these markets but also on getting a competitive edge of any kind.
Brand Protection
Protecting your Brand from malicious intentions is essential to keep your business from obstacles. After a tremendous amount of work done to start up your business, set up the platforms and achieve the recognisability it is in your interest to take care of your data and its security. At Proxy-Cheap we provide the best proxies to ensure the safety and security of your brands’ data. Eliminate the abusers, copyright infringers and other types of malicious users.
SEO Utility
Achieving success within SEO infrastructure can be tricky since web itself operates within the multitude of international borders, yet having access to various countries, cities and their ISP’s delivers you an edge over the competition. Google index uses complicated algorithms to avoid spam and misuse, by utilizing correct tools with tailored residential proxies you will be able to stay ahead of the competition, claim to rank and boost your online presence amongst various search engines.
Ad Verification
Advertising games are changing as we speak and not always to the positive side. Companies, as well as Performance Marketers, have multiple times faced an issue where advertising budgets would evaporate without delivering results. To avoid various kinds of fraud that hackers or competitors are trying to impose on your marketing strategy. Proxy-Cheap residential proxies remain to be one of the best solutions to anonymously check ads and landing pages of your competition, detect fraud and in general improve the performance of your ads.
Travel Data Aggregation
Various Travel Agencies and businesses collect a tremendous amount of data from their niche websites. Not only do they understand that to gain an edge in the market they must access their competitor’s data by using proxies accompanied by diverse tools, yet also the focus to feed their competitors with a priced-up data remains extremely clear. To secure their competitive advantage, sharp pricing, businesses tend to block every access by the bots. With Proxy-Cheap you always have an ace up your sleeve.
Sales & E-Commerce
Engaging into the competitive world of commerce, at times may be difficult, yet thankfully to Proxy-Cheap proxies, this becomes way easier. It allows you to compare prices, perform various types of competitive analysis while getting an edge over the competition. Allowing you to adapt your pricing strategy and maintain the top performing position in the never-ending competition. In addition to that, you can use the same proxies to mislead the competitors and protect your brand.
Social Media Management
Automation, Social Media Marketing, and Digital Business Optimisation remain to be the hottest topics, brands all over the globe are competing in the crowded space of social networks and ad-space within. Whether you are managing social media accounts or growth-hacking, Proxy-Cheap has an ideal solution for you. Unleash the power with our Mobile and Residential proxies totally free of hassle, remove action blocks, it is the time to be limitless within the social network of your choice.
Data Scraping
Proxies established worldwide to deliver an opportunity to mine data and screen various scraping options. Remote DNS is supported, while not leaking any private data. Residential proxies are very fast, because of which you can use many connections at once and achieve the deadlines of your projects in the shortest time-frames.
Multiple Accounts Creation
Residential proxies represent real household IPs, therefore they look like real users. The network is perfect for social media and other types of account creation. Proxies perfectly support Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and other types of automation, providing you with an opportunity to fully unleash your options within the field of Social Media Marketing.
Sneaker & Tickets
Most of the sneaker sites block datacenter proxies and bots if detected. For example, Nike has made some new releases where datacenter proxies were blocked entirely. Residential proxy networks are known to be way less blockable, therefore Proxy-Cheap users obtain unlimited connections so that you can continuously run your bots by benefiting from unlimited tasks on sneaker bots without getting blocked. Proxies work perfectly with bots like SupremeSlayer, AIO Bot, Another Nike Bot, BetterNikeBot, EasyCop Ultimate, Solesayer, SuperCOP Bot, SoleSeeker, SneakerBot4All.
Our team has dedicated most of the efforts to make sure that every particular use-case works smoothly, effectively and efficiently while maintaining stability and reliability. Make sure to continuously monitor your use cases, yet if yours is not listed here – please directly reach out to us and tell more about all the “what’s and how’s” of it. Proxy-Cheap gladly expands the range of use cases by diving deeper into the essence of them, performing various tests and getting more, in-depth technical knowledge on the benefits and flaws of each use-case.
At Proxy-Cheap we believe in strong communication between customers and partners, by applying this kind of mentality, the ability to acquire truthful, tested information is simply boosted. Long term, it benefits each and every user, since the service, as well as the team, is continuously upgraded. Make sure to explore, in case your use-case is not listed shoot us a message at support@proxy-cheap.com or directly in the chat.
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