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Get the top proxy solution for your business at a cost-effective rate. Proxy-cheap is one of the most reliable and largest proxy services in the market, worldwide coverage and high speed.
Static residential proxies are a type of proxy that allows users to connect from a dedicated residential IP address for a time. So, the web user can seem to appear from a location and connect from an unchanging IP address for as long as they want.
Static residential proxies reroute traffic through provided residential IP addresses. However, unlike traditional residential proxies, their users retain the use of an address instead of receiving a new one for every session. Thus, they guarantee all the advantages of a residential proxy but do so from a consistent online address/location.
Communicate from a dedicated IP for long-term remote work and access to corporate resources.
Conduct market research and gather data from different regions.
Monitor and verify ad placement as in the case of marketers running online ads internationally.
Manage multiple social media accounts from their location without the risk of being flagged or banned.
Automatically scrape value data off the internet without risking access reliability or download speed.
Access content from other contries and locations.
Support automated bots for competitive purchase of sneakers online.
Scrape real-time e-commerce data to inform competitive pricing strategies and product listings.
Create multiple accounts on platforms that otherwise don’t support such.
Track search engine and keyword rankings to accurate information content creation, release, and strategies.
Aggregate travel fare data to get accurate, real-time information on prices.
Monitor content across multiple locations to protect brand integrity and intellectual property.
Choose IPv4 data center IP addresses at $1.13 per proxy. It will provide high performance and versatility for your online endeavors.
Our pool of ethically sourced and dynamically rotated resident proxies is priced from $2.99 per GB, providing constant access to fresh and diverse IP addresses.
Experience the power of real peer-to-peer 3G/4G/5G mobile networks with plans starting at $3.99 per GB. It is ideal for mobile-centric applications and tasks.
Ideal for long-term use. These real IP addresses for business start at just $1.99 by buying a cheap proxy. Ensure the stability and reliability of your online activities.
The difference between residential proxies and static residential proxies is stability. Both are proxies using genuine IP addresses from Internet Service Providers (ISPs). However, static residential proxies allow users to connect with the same address, while normal residential proxies provide new IPs for every session.
To set up a static residential proxy, a user must purchase one from a vendor, authenticate the service with the provider, and configure network settings for their applications. For Proxy-Cheap, start by using our Proxy Manager Extension in Chrome. It’s straightforward and interactive. Other specific steps may vary depending on the proxy vendor and the nature/specifications of the device.
Static residential proxy pools consist of genuine IP addresses from Internet Service Providers (ISPs) that belong to real residential addresses. Due to this, the proxies appear more original to website admins and are less susceptible to IP bans.
ISP proxies work by rerouting user traffic to residential areas through IP addresses assigned by Internet Service Providers (ISPs). The IPs are obtainable via third-party agreements to lease IPs from the ISPs, or direct approval from residents or homeowners. As a result of their nature, the speed and performance of these proxies depend on the ISP and their location.
Users need a static IP proxy to make repeatable connections from a specific location and IP address. Such a proxy helps to develop a consistent online identity and location for long-term use.