Mobile Proxy 101: Everything You Need to Know

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Everything you need to know about Mobile Proxies – Mobile Proxy 101

The general use of proxies didn’t just start today. Over time, we’ve learned to use them for business and personal needs. But for most people, a mobile proxy is a relatively new and unknown term. Therefore, most internet users do not fully understand the specifications of mobile proxies and how they should be used. Read below to learn more about mobile proxies with our Mobile Proxy 101 guide.

To help, we’ve researched and written an article detailing all the information you should know about utilizing mobile proxies. The following Mobile Proxy 101 article will make sure to let you in on the details.

What is a Mobile Proxy

The first important information to know about mobile proxies is their definition. From the name, you can tell that it is related to mobile devices. Mobile proxies are portable devices (think phones and tablets) that use mobile data to grant you access to the internet. You can typically connect to these proxies to hide the real IP address of your device.

Mobile proxies are made of real 3G, 4G, LTE network connections assigned by mobile operators. One significant characteristic of mobile proxies is authenticity. With this, they are able to provide real IP addresses that you can work with without being detected. After all, your new IP address will project you as a resident of your chosen country.

Why Do You Need Mobile Proxies – Mobile Proxy 101

If you are already wondering why you should use mobile proxies, this part is for you. Almost every internet user would encounter a CAPTCHA making efforts to access Google once in a while when they connect their device to their mobile network. This happens because of the new IP address that’s assigned to your device every time you switch to 3G or 4G networks.

Your device gets a fresh IP address every time you use it to connect to the internet. However, it returns to the base IP the moment you disconnect from the moment. Hence, the newly generated IP gets assigned to another user.

This means that if you’ve taken over the IP from a previous user that commits a crime or does other suspicious things online, the address would be flagged by Google. Flagging the address means that Google will make the address go through CAPTCHA the next time someone tries to use it.

One of the standout advantages of mobile proxies is helping you cover your real current IP address with a clean one that has not been flagged by Google. Therefore, if a mobile user wants to continue using their mobile IP address without encountering CAPTCHA or any other issues, the best thing to do is to stick to mobile proxies. Thankfully, there are exclusive proxies that can belong to only you so that you won’t need to share them.


Using Mobile Proxies To Manage Multiple Social Media Accounts.

Social media consultants and managers generally find mobile proxies to be very useful for their trade. You know that while logging through different accounts, your IP address generally remains the same, especially if you are working directly with your mobile network. This can easily become an issue considering the move by most social media platforms to bar the use of multiple accounts. This is the main reason why so many people using fake profiles for their social media marketing are reporting continuous blocking – they are probably logging the accounts in on one IP address. Doing this flags the accounts as belonging to one person, therefore creating room for a potential ban from the said platform.

However, using proxies can help you avoid this issue. Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter would not find your activities suspicious because of your IP address’s tendency to change from time to time as you switch through accounts. No social media marketer wants their clients to lose their accounts because of them. Hence, the need to use proxies.

The rule is simple – just stick to using one country per profile. You know how weird it is to log in from different countries within the same day. This is one activity that can flag your account as fraudulent to any social media platform.

Several social media marketers also believe in using mobile proxies to stop ad frauds. It can help you confirm the efficacy of your ad targeting strategies while revealing your competitors’ ads.

Rotating Mobile Proxy 101

Your Mobile Proxy IP is provided by your cellphone company for use on your phone, laptop with an internet key, Ipad, and such. It tells your location on the mobile network. Using rotating mobile proxies can help keep anonymous if you require such feature. You’ll be able to bounce from one IP address to another without the need of changing sim cards or connecting to new networks like swapping VPN locations manually.

Are There Free Mobile Proxies

Yes! Thanks to the popularity of mobile proxies, you’ll find many of them being offered for free today. However, we always advise our readers to avoid such proxies because they are mostly ineffective. Creating mobile proxies is typically very difficult. A developer works extra to ensure that the devices being used remain within the network. In addition to that, the developer needs to do so much other background work to ensure continued usage of the device as a proxy when connected to a mobile network.

As experts in this field, we understand what the whole process entails, and we are ready to go all the way for users. This is why we ensure the acquisition of mobile proxies from only verified developers. Agreeing to partner with us opens you up to several benefits including, free premium features, commission payment, etc. Our proxy network is also available for our users to enter and exit at any time.


In addition to selling very effective proxies, also ensure top-notch management so that our clients can continually have a system that works properly. Despite putting in all these works, we still ensure that our mobile proxies are as effective as they can get.

Mobile Proxy 101: In Conclusion

With more and more users turning to their mobile devices for browsing the internet, there’s no better time to get mobile proxies. You want to stay ahead of your competition, and that’s why you need to start learning to master the use of mobile proxies before your competitors do.

What is a Mobile Proxy 101: You might want to check out our Residential Proxies, Datacenter Proxies or VPN Options.

Augustas Frost

Support Manager

Augustas Frost is a valued contributor at Proxy-Cheap, specializing in proxy-related content. With a knack for simplifying complex topics, he's your go-to source for understanding the world of proxies.
Outside his work, Augustas explores the latest tech gadgets and embarking on hiking adventures.
